
What's new 2009

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Date Event
January 9, 2009
January 10, 2009
Added a new issue page for the Spain 4 cuartos 1850s and 1860s stamps
February 20, 2009
March 27, 2009
I have posted additional Argentina material to the forums: 69: 50c types and a plate variety / fronts / backs / comparison / Picasa album / a plate variety, 70: 10cR Perforations, 71:5c1E Perforations, 72:A Closer look at some of the watermarks Quick links: black and white highlights / Wavy Rays examples / Straight Rays examples / Picasa albums for the watermarks, 73: Additional DEPOF information in Deluca, 74: The 5c1E4t for booklets, 75: Current Argentinean Series (Cultures)Quick links: Two shades of the 2 pesos / the new 10 pesos value / cover selections with the 2 pesos / cover selections with the 5 pesos / additional selections, 76: Early Servicio Oficial Quick links: 1E1 / 1E2 / 1 peso selection, 77: Several 1L blocks, 78: Peso values of 'Servicio Oficial' Quick links: 40c / 1 peso / 2 peso 1L / NGR high values, 79: 5 pesos 'dot over palm' plate variety, 80: An early 10c Brown cover, 81: 1952 wash of some plates, 82: The 50c 'Servicio Oficial' Issues Quick links: 1E printings / plate varieties / later printings , 83: The 25c 'Servicio Oficial' Issues Quick links: 1E1 and 1E2 / 1E3 / other issues / overprint details / missing sun / watermarks, 84: Small format'Servicio Oficial' Issues Quick links: 1E3 and 1E4 'cents' / NGR and NOP 'cents' / 15c Martin Guemes / 15cSC Small Format Cattle Light Blue / 20cSC1L Small Format Cattle, and 85: 5c 'Servicio Oficial' Issues Quick links: 1E1 typographed / 1E3 and 1E4 offset / 2D (Straight Rays Diffused) / NGR
April 12, 2009
June 6, 2009
July 14, 2009
Changed old Argentina 1935-51 Definitives publications in Word format to PDF format and added three new publications. The links are at the bottom of the publications page.
August 9, 2009
Finally added links from posts to forums (kept off the publications page) to the Argentina 1935-51 Definitives pages ( regular issues / departmental officials / SERVICIO OFICIAL / Postal History / Main Papers Page )
August 16, 2009
I have posted additional Argentina material to the forums: 86: Three 2P2 Blocks of Four, 87: Second Day of Issue Cover, 88: A miss-perfed block of the 25c, 89: Back Scans of 5p, 10p, and 20p 1E stamps Quick links: 1E1 / 1E2 / 1E3b / 1E3c / 1E4 / Picasa Album for the vertical watermarks, 90: The difficult-to-type 1E3s, 91: A first batch of 2 pesos stamps Quick links: the 1E3b 'dark colors' / the 1L6 / the 1E3b 'cream', 92: Some 2 pesos difficult-to-type 1E3s, 93: An update to the Beginner's Collection Quick links: introduction / 1E2 / 1E3 postmarks / NGR / NOP / 2C / 1L / a perfin, 94: Various 2p1L varieties and 2p perfins Quick links: shifts and over-inking / perfins, 95: 'Cents' stamps for the Beginner's Collection Quick links: 5c and 10c Red / 1E1 / 1E3 / 1E4 and 2D, 96: PERFINs Quick links: letter A / BE / BNA / letter B (other) / letters C, E, and F / CQ / letters H, I and J / LMN / MRP / letters P, Q, and W / letter S / details / Picasa album of details, 97: Two 20cLC2Ds, 98: Additional PERFINs, 99: Brigada Postmarks, 100: Special Buenos Aires Postmarks Quick links: Agencia Postal / E.R.V. / E.V. / other, 101: The 10c Rivadavia Red Quick links: types / type I plate varieties / type II plate varieties / specific plate varieties ( first / second ) / eye varieties, 102: Range of use of some 25c 1E papers Quick links: 1E1/2/4 selection / 1E1/2/4 Picasa Album / 1E3a selection / 1E3a Picasa Album, 103: 10 pesos NGR plate varieties, 104: 10c Rivadavia Red Type III Quick links: detail scan / picasa web album, 105: 10c Rivadavia Red Type III blocks Quick links: strips and table / a first large block / a second large block / two dots plate variety, 106: 15c Martin Guemes some plate varietiesQuick links: break below first A of ARGENTINA / fat I of ARGENTINA ( first batch / second batch / comparisons ), 107: 25c Papers Quick links: 1E3b / 1E3c / 2C / NGR, NOP and 1L / Picasa Albums, 108: 2p and 5p corner blocks, and 109: 5ct-MH repeatable plate varieties Quick links: first block / second block / third block / fourth block / fifth block
August 22, 2009
November 7, 2009
November 11, 2009
Added scans of a rare book about the Exporta definitives and a link to download a PDF version of this book here. Only 500 free copies of this book were originally distributed. I hope that the availability of this file helps the large number of Exporta fans worldwide.
November 21, 2009
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