what's new: 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 |
Date |
Event |
January 9, 2009 |
January 10, 2009 |
February 20, 2009 |
March 27, 2009 |
I have posted additional Argentina material to the forums:
69: 50c types and a plate variety /
fronts / backs / comparison / Picasa album / a plate variety, 70: 10cR Perforations, 71:5c1E Perforations, 72:A Closer look at some of the watermarks Quick links: black and white highlights / Wavy Rays examples / Straight Rays examples / Picasa albums for the watermarks, 73: Additional DEPOF information in Deluca, 74: The 5c1E4t for booklets, 75: Current Argentinean Series (Cultures)Quick links: Two shades of the 2 pesos / the new 10 pesos value / cover selections with the 2 pesos / cover selections with the 5 pesos / additional selections, 76: Early Servicio Oficial Quick links: 1E1 / 1E2 / 1 peso selection, 77: Several 1L blocks, 78: Peso values of 'Servicio Oficial' Quick links: 40c / 1 peso / 2 peso 1L / NGR high values, 79: 5 pesos 'dot over palm' plate variety, 80: An early 10c Brown cover, 81: 1952 wash of some plates, 82: The 50c 'Servicio Oficial' Issues Quick links: 1E printings / plate varieties / later printings , 83: The 25c 'Servicio Oficial' Issues Quick links: 1E1 and 1E2 / 1E3 / other issues / overprint details / missing sun / watermarks, 84: Small format'Servicio Oficial' Issues Quick links: 1E3 and 1E4 'cents' / NGR and NOP 'cents' / 15c Martin Guemes / 15cSC Small Format Cattle Light Blue / 20cSC1L Small Format Cattle, and 85: 5c 'Servicio Oficial' Issues Quick links: 1E1 typographed / 1E3 and 1E4 offset / 2D (Straight Rays Diffused) / NGR |
April 12, 2009 |
June 6, 2009 |
July 14, 2009 |
August 9, 2009 |
August 16, 2009 |
I have posted additional Argentina material to the forums: 86: Three 2P2 Blocks of Four, 87: Second Day of Issue Cover, 88: A miss-perfed block of the 25c, 89: Back Scans of 5p, 10p, and 20p 1E stamps Quick links: 1E1 / 1E2 / 1E3b / 1E3c / 1E4 / Picasa Album for the vertical watermarks, 90: The difficult-to-type 1E3s, 91: A first batch of 2 pesos stamps Quick links: the 1E3b 'dark colors' / the 1L6 / the 1E3b 'cream', 92: Some 2 pesos difficult-to-type 1E3s, 93: An update to the Beginner's Collection Quick links: introduction / 1E2 / 1E3 postmarks / NGR / NOP / 2C / 1L / a perfin, 94: Various 2p1L varieties and 2p perfins Quick links: shifts and over-inking / perfins, 95: 'Cents' stamps for the Beginner's Collection Quick links: 5c and 10c Red / 1E1 / 1E3 / 1E4 and 2D, 96: PERFINs Quick links: letter A / BE / BNA / letter B (other) / letters C, E, and F / CQ / letters H, I and J / LMN / MRP / letters P, Q, and W / letter S / details / Picasa album of details, 97: Two 20cLC2Ds, 98: Additional PERFINs, 99: Brigada Postmarks, 100: Special Buenos Aires Postmarks Quick links: Agencia Postal / E.R.V. / E.V. / other, 101: The 10c Rivadavia Red Quick links: types / type I plate varieties / type II plate varieties /
specific plate varieties ( first / second ) / eye varieties, 102: Range of use of some 25c 1E papers Quick links: 1E1/2/4 selection / 1E1/2/4 Picasa Album / 1E3a selection / 1E3a Picasa Album, 103: 10 pesos NGR plate varieties, 104: 10c Rivadavia Red Type III Quick links: detail scan / picasa web album, 105: 10c Rivadavia Red Type III blocks Quick links: strips and table / a first large block / a second large block / two dots plate variety, 106: 15c Martin Guemes some plate varietiesQuick links: break below first A of ARGENTINA / fat I of ARGENTINA ( first batch / second batch / comparisons ), 107: 25c Papers Quick links: 1E3b / 1E3c / 2C / NGR, NOP and 1L / Picasa Albums, 108: 2p and 5p corner blocks, and 109: 5ct-MH repeatable plate varieties Quick links: first block / second block / third block / fourth block / fifth block |
August 22, 2009 |
November 7, 2009 |
November 11, 2009 |
Added scans of a rare book about the Exporta definitives and a link to download a PDF version of this book here. Only 500 free copies of this book were originally distributed. I hope that the availability of this file helps the large number of Exporta fans worldwide. |
November 21, 2009 |