
Databases and Stamp Collecting

Here are quick links to this section (links to be added as I complete each page): the main page, a page description of the tables needed to database a large number of these stamps, links from each of these types of records to pages discussing in detail the variations that can be encountered: Brief description of all items.

Stamp collecting benefits from the use of databases. Many of the life-long studies carried out before the era of relational databases for very common stamps, such as the letter rate definitives of the U.S. and U.K. of the 19th and early 20th century, would have benefited from the use of an SQL database. Here, I discuss some basic issues related to databasing a definitives study. The main study I am concerned with these days is the Argentina 1935-51 issue, and the most common value of this issue is the 5c Moreno. I use the 5c Moreno as an example of the complexities encountered when designing a database to be used for a high volume definitives study. By high volume I mean that the number of items-singles, multiples, pieces, and covers-is in the neighborhood of 10,000 or more.

Top right is a block of four from the first printing, below left is a single from the second printing, and below right is a block of four from the third and last printing, on clay paper.


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