27-Departmental Officials
Before being consolidated into the single "SERVICIO OFICIAL" issue, official stamps were issued for each ministry. Below is an incomplete selection of these issues, which are ideal to understand the early printings. Below is a block of four of the 10cR1E for the M.J.I. (Ministerio de Justicia e Instruccion Publica, or Minitsry of Justice and Public Instruction). I show also a selection of 30c1E stamps from several ministries. |
Quick links for the departmental officials:
Agriculture Ministry (M.A.- Ministerio de Agricultura) /
War Ministry (M.G. - Ministerio de Guerra) /
Home Ministry (M.H. - Ministerio de Hacienda) /
Interior Ministry (M.I. - Ministerio del Interior) /
Ministry of Justice and Public Instruction (M.J.I. - Ministerio de Justicia e Instruccion Publica) /
Marine Ministry (M.M. - Ministerio de Marina) /
Public Works Ministry (M.O.P. - Ministerio de Obras Publicas) /
Ministry of External Relations (M.R.C. - Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto) /
High resolution details of the overprints. |
M.A. (Ministerio de Agricultura, or Ministry of Agriculture) |
M.G. (Ministerio de Guerra, or Ministry of War) |
M.H. (Ministerio de Hacienda, or Home Ministry, or Treasury Department) |
M.I. (Ministerio del Interior, or Ministry of the Interior) |
M.J.I. (Ministerio de Justicia e Instruccion Publica, or Minitsry of Justice and Public Instruction) |
M.M. (Ministerio de la Marina, or Ministry of the Navy) |