Plate Varieties of the "cents," Guemes, and small cow issues
Included in this group are the low value "cents" issues, from 1/2 centavo to 12 centavos, and including the very common 5 c Moreno, and the 10 c Rivadavia in red and in brown. The Guemes and small cow issues are in 15 centavos and 20 centavos denominations. Below left is a specimen with a very common plate variety from the early printing of the 10c Rivadavia Red, and below right is a highlight: a nick on the outer edge between the 1 and 0 of 10c. |
The 20 centavos Guemes issues were replaced by the same value small cow issues. The plates did not receive significant wear. The 15 centavos Guemes issues received much heavier use, especially the printing with the second watermark, the 15cMG2. Below are two 15cMG2 specimens with plate varieties. The specimen on the left has a break in the U of REPUBLICA, and the specimen on the right has a bright in the right left of the first A of ARGENTINA. |
The 15 centavos small cow issues were replaced by the same value Guemes issues. The plates did not receive significant wear. The 20 centavos small cow issues received much heavier use, especially the typographed printing with the first watermark on clay paper, the 20cSC1CL. This latter stamp is very common and also very crudely printed. I show below two specimens each of the 20cSC1CL from the light blue and dark clue printings. I have not plated this stamp yet, and these are only illustrative examples of how worn this plate was. |