
Issues of 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1938

The first group of issues is printed on cream paper with the first watermark. The two stamps below changed in later printings. The 12 centavos Mitre, issued in 1935, was later printed in red, and the 1 peso Map of Argentina, issued in 1936, was re-issued with the map boundaries removed.
Below is a cover showing the earliest low values in what effective is a first day cover for this issue.
The earliest 1/2 centavo has a distinctive shade of violet and a crisp impression.
1 Peso value issued in 1937 with the map boundaries removed.
The 15c Small Cow and 20c Martin Guemes evolved twice. First, the 15c Small Cow was re-issued in light blue, and the 20c Martin Guemes was re-issued in dark blue. Second, the values were flipped, and there was a 20c Small Cow, in dark blue, and a 15c Martin Guemes, in light blue. Its somewhat confusing!
The dark blue 15c Small Cow is shown on an early cover (1936) to Germany, posted along a 1 peso "with map boundaries" value.
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