
United States

Article 13: The presidential (Prexie) U.S. 1938 Definitives Used Blocks Listing The US 1938 Presidential series, commonly known as the prexies, received extensive usage during World War II. Here I show a few blocks of four and six. These show the wide range of postmarks found in type as well as number of cities and towns.
Article 20: The United States 1926-27 Map Air Mails Here are examples of the three stamps in the 1926-27 Map air mail series. I have pages with each stamp on cover (10 cent, 15 cent, and 20 cent).
Article 31: Jefferson Memorial U.S.A. Priority Mail The Jefferson Memorial is depicted on this Priority Mail U.S.A. high value. There are values dated 2002, and 2003, both shown here. The 2003 printing is a little fuzzier. I also include a page dedicated to design details, as well as a page with postmarks and cancellers.
Article 54: Selected United States 10 cents Presidential "Prexie" Stamps Here are a few 10c Prexies. The color of this stamps makes it an ideal background color to showcase some of the postmarks used on the Prexies. I dedicate a page to various dumb cancellers. I also show here a selection of city marks: wavy lines cancellers for Indianapolis, Indiana (1) / New York, New York (31) / New York, New York (40) / New York, New York (184) / Toledo, Ohio (32) / Bellmore, New York (1) / Kenilworth, New Jersey (1) / Norwood, Massachusetts (1) / Minneapolis, Minnesota (18) / oval cancellers for: Bridgeport, Conneticut / New Haven, Connecticut / Newton, Connecticut / [Unidentified] P.P. in center, CONN / Boston, Massachusetts / Chicago [with numeral], Illinois / New York, New York, Grand Central Annex / circular date stamp for New York, New York, Grand Central Annex
Article 81: United States Kiloware from the late 1970s and early 1980s, Part 1 I have come across a great selection of USA late 1970s and early 1980s kiloware. I show here a selection of these with the predominant stamp being either the 1c Thomas Jefferson, or the 13c Americana. Quick links here are for the kiloware section, the main page for this group of kiloware, and the pages for these two stamps- 1c Thomas Jefferson, 13c Americana, for which I may add other clippings in the future. Below each image are links to pages with clippings.
Article 88: United States Kiloware from the late 1970s and early 1980s, Part 2 I show here a selection of these with the predominant stamp being either the 20c George Marshall stamp, or the 25c Frederick Douglass stamp. Quick links here are for the kiloware section, the main page for this group of kiloware, and the pages for these two stamps-the 20c George Marshall stamp, or the 25c Frederick Douglass stamp, and the two I have previously shown- 1c Thomas Jefferson, 13c Americana, for which I may add other clippings in the future. Below each image are links to pages with clippings, and additional clippings are linked to from the single stamp pages.
Article 126: United States Design Series Definitives, Panes Part 1 With the introduction of this series, I hope the United States Postal Service builds this small series into a large series in the tradition of the Transportation Series. These design are striking and beautiful. Quick links: main page / 2c Navajo Jewelry / 4c Chippendale Chair / 5c American Toleware / 10c American Clock
Article 132: American Design Coils Here are PNC-7 strips of the 1c Tiffany Lamp, the 3c Copperpot, and the 5c Toleware. Quick links: main page / designs
Article 137: US Americana Definitives Here are representative signles of this issue. Follow the links and images to pages for each of the ranges. Quick links: main page / low values / first class values / middle values / high values / coils
Article 149: United States Children Book Characters Here are some 2006 stamps showing children book characters. Quick links: individual stamps
Article 155: United States Kiloware from the late 1970s and early 1980s, Part 4 I have come across a great selection of USA late 1970s and early 1980s kiloware. The clippings are from what may have been mailings of important documents. Most of the rates seem to be in the $1.50 to $2.50 range. Quick links here are for the kiloware section, the main page for this group of kiloware, and the stamps I have previously shown: the 20c George Marshall stamp, the 25c Frederick Douglass stamp, the 1c Thomas Jefferson stamp, and the 13c Americana stamp, for which I may add other clippings in the future.
Article 163: US Presidential Definitives (the prexies) The combination of high levels of usage during World War II, and equally high levels of usage during the industrial growth of the United States after the war, make the Presidential series of the most common definitive series of all time. This series, better known as "The Prexies," has an expansive postal history. I barely scratch the surface in this web site. I acquired a small group of blocks (mostly of 4) of these stamps in 2003. I also have a few covers. This issue attracts a great deal of attention, and has been studied beyond what I can possibly do by many. I have an article with several used 10c stamps. Quick links: 1/2c Benjamin Franklin / 1c George Washington / 1 1/2c Martha Washington / 2c John Adams / 3c Thomas Jefferson / 4c James Madison / 4 1/2 c The White House / 5c James Monroe / 6c John Quincy Adams / 7c Andrew Jackson / 8c Martin Van Buren / 9c William Henry Harrison / 10c John Tyler / 11c James K. Polk / 12c Zachary Taylor / 13c Millard Fillmore / 14c Franklin Pierce / 15c James Buchanan / 16c Abraham Lincoln / 17c Andrew Johnson / 18c Ulysses S. Grant / 19c Rutherford B. Hayes / 20c James A. Garfield / 21c Chester A. Arthur / 22c Grover Cleveland / 24c Benjamin Harrison / 25c William McKinley / 30c Theodore Roosevelt / 50c William Howard Taft / $1 Woodrow Wilson / $2 Warren G. Harding / $5 Calvin Coolidge
Article 212: United States Kiloware from the late 1970s and early 1980s, Part 5 I have come across a great selection of USA late 1970s and early 1980s kiloware. The clippings are from what may have been mailings of important documents. Most of the rates seem to be in the $1.50 to $2.50 range.
Article 242: United States Design Series Definitives, Panes Part 2 Here are the new 1c and 3c panes. Both have microprinting. Quick links: main page / 1c Tiffany Lamp / 3c Silver Coffeepot
Article 268: United States Stampless Covers Part 1: New York State Here is a selection of covers from the 1830s and 1840s. The Troy and Buffalo postmarks are typical of prephilatelic markings in the U.S. Quick links: main page / second page
Article 283: United States Stampless Covers Part 2: New York State This selection of prephilatelic covers from New York towns includes Troy, Fort Plain, Ithaca, Phelps (on the main page), Rochester, Cohoes, and Plattsburg (on the second page). Quick links: main / second page
Article 302: Additional United States prephilatelic covers The covers shown here are from Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ohio, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Georgia. Some of the rate markings are interesting. Quick links: first page / second page / third page
Article 310: United States Tropical Fruits Sheet The use of digital presses has increased the quality of stamps substantially. Here is an example from the United States. Quick links: the stamps / the sheet
Article 321: United States Classic Cars This self-stick sheet shows five classic American cars. The back of each stamp has a brief description of the corresponding car. Quick links: fist page / second page, including a complete scan of the sheet
Article 337: United States 'The Most' Here is a beautiful sheet of United States commemoratives highlighting 'Wonders of America' as a series of superlative examples. Quick links: the sheet and the first row / the second row / the third row / the fourth row
Article 364: United States Star Wars Sheet This series is one marking a major break with previous U.S. issues in depicting actors who were alive when the sheet was issued. Quick links: first page / second page
Article 375: The Simpsons Stamps are here! It is refreshing for USPS to issue stamps commemorating this landmark cartoon series.
Article 379: U.S. 1869 3 cents stamp It is rare for a 19th century stamp to depict something other than a numeral or a royal subject.
Article 390: United States Abstract Expressionism Souvenir Sheet This beautiful series shows paintings from one of the most important periods of modern art. Quick links: the stamps / the sheet
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