

Article 184: French Guinea (Afrique Occidentale Francaise) France issued a common two color design for each colony during the early 20th century. The entire series uses the same design. Here are the low values to the 30 centimes values. Quick links: low values / middle values / high values / details of the designs
Article 274: French Guinea Palm Definitive The design template for this stamp was used for several French colonies. I show here some stamps and highlights of the center. Quick links: the stamps / the center design
Article 305: Guinea Bird Stamps Unusual format, gorgeous colors, and exotic birds. What more can we ask for? Quick links: lower values / higher values
Article 334: Guinea Masks These masks show a wide variety of designs. Quick links: first page / second page
Article 377: Guinea Butterfly Stamps These have been cancelled to order (CTO) and probably have never been to Guinea. Quick links: low and mid values / high values
Article 387: Guinea Snakes The designs for this issue are repeated for several denominations.
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