India Wells Fargo Bank Correspondence Major Stamps
Here is an introduction to the major stamps found in this correspondence:
the 0.05 Rp Tuna (152, or 6.1% of all stamps), the 0.15 Rp Grain (162, or 6.5% of all stamps), 0.25 Chicks (189, or 7.6% of all stamps), 0.50 Rp Stork (216, or 8.7% of all stamps),
the 1.00 Rp Cotton (683, or 27.6% of all stamps), the 2.00 Rps Textiles (611, or 24.7% of all stamps),
and the 5.00 Rps Bhakra Dam (102, or 4.1% of all stamps). Only 14.6% of the Wells Fargo stamps
are not any of these seven values. I include here the top value of the series: the 10.00 Rupees Atomic Reactor Trombay.
Quick Links: Major Stamp Pages:
0.05Rp / 0.15Rp /
0.25Rp / 0.50Rp /
1.00Rp / 2.00Rp /
5.00Rp / 5Rp /
10.00Rp /
Other Stamp Pages:
Low Values / High Values /
Commemoratives / The Rates /
U.S. Receipt / India Circular Postmarks /
India Square City Marks / High Value Canceller /
Auxiliary Markings / Complete Cover Listings:
1 to 50 / 51 to 100 /
101 to 150